Adelante Colorado

Adelante Colorado was informed by a group of concerned nonprofit leaders, and the Latino Community Foundation of Colorado (LCFC) to address the inequities of the philanthropic sector’s capacity building investments with Latino community. Within 20-25 years, one of three Coloradans will be of Latino origin. If Colorado is to continue to prosper, so must the Latino community. Latinos will play an expanding role in the workforce, economic growth, leadership, politics, education, and the health of the community. It is imperative that the Latino nonprofit community take a leadership role and help strengthen the civic, social welfare and community support infrastructure so that Latinos are engaged and contributing to a vision that prepares people to create a better Colorado for everyone. 

The Latino Community Foundation of Colorado is proud to announce its second cohort of Adelante Colorado, a two-year comprehensive capacity building project that will support the capacity building needs of a cohort of up to 10 non-profits who have historically provided leadership and services to Latino communities in Colorado.

Adelante Colorado Cohort 2 Application

Explore everything you need to know about this opportunity, including eligibility, requirements, and application steps. Preview the full application packet below to ensure you're fully prepared to apply and maximize your chances of success!

Proceso de Selección y Criterios
Previsualice la aplicación en español.


Total grant awards across the two years will be up to $35,000. Over the course of the project, participating organizations will receive a portion of their funding during each phase and where phase one be the smallest award and phase three the largest. The grant period is August 2025-May 2027.

LCFC anticipates receiving far more applications than we can award.


The cohort selection involves two parts:

Part I: Submit a Letter of Conocimiento (LOC).

Part II: Selected applicants complete an organizational interview and submit additional documents.
Not all applicants will be invited to move onto Part II.

February 26th, 2025 : Announcement of the project and request for Letter of Conocimiento (to be completed via online portal).

March 5th, 2025, 9:00am – 10:00am : Informational Webinar (English/Spanish)

March 21st, 2025, 5:00 PM : Deadline for Letter of Conocimiento

June 10th, 2025 , 5:00 PM: Extended - Deadline for Letter of Conocimiento

We recognize the immense challenges that many nonprofits are facing right now. Given this reality, we have decided to extend the deadline to submit your Letter of Conocimiento to June 10 at 5:00 p.m. MTN for the second cohort of Adelante Colorado.

July 1st, 2025 : Applicants will be notified if they will be invited for an interview.

July 8th – July 29th, 2025 : Organizational Interviews (for those invited to Part II)  

August 2025 : Part II applicants will be notified of selection and award.  

Friday, September 12th, 2025, 9:00am – 12:00pm : First Cohort Meeting 

August 2025 –May 2027 : Cohort Participation – (5-6 virtual meetings, 2- 3 in person convenings

*Dates are subject to change 


LCFC is committed to accessible application processes. This application is available in English and Spanish and applicants are encouraged to write their letters in the language of their hearts. 


If you have questions about the project, funding guidelines or the application process, please contact Rachel Griego at

Please visit our website at for more information on the Latino Community Foundation of Colorado and Adelante Colorado.


    • Are deeply committed to serving Latino and immigrant communities and are rooted in these communities.

    • Actively engage community members in shaping programs and services.

    • Have leadership (Board and executive staff) that reflects the communities they serve.

    • Been operating for the past three years

    • Operating budget between $150,000 to $1,000,000

    • Have a paid executive director

    • Identify a participating board member able to attend some meetings

    • Organizations that explicitly state they serve Latino communities in their organizational mission or vision.

    • 75% or more of their clientele/program participants is part of the Latino community

    • Organizations who do not currently participate in other capacity building projects or programs.

Priority given to organizations that meet the organizational requirements, and are in rural areas and/or primarily serve immigrants (75% or more)

We thank the following for their generous support