Colorado’s First Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant Program

The Latino Community Foundation of Colorado (LCFC) is collaborating with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) to administer the Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant in the following counties: Adams, Arapahoe, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Elbert, Grand, Jefferson, Lake, Park, Pitkin, and Summit.

The Nonprofit Infrastructure (NPI) Grant has been created for small nonprofits, with annual operating budgets between $150,00 and $2,000,000, that can show they have been impacted or disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.

This grant opportunity is intended to fund organizations and community groups that have a track record of providing effective, culturally appropriate, and relevant programs and services to their communities who have historically been underrepresented, underserved, or under-resourced in Colorado.

Communities that have been disproportionately impacted include: LGBT, BIPOC, Women, Gender non-conforming, Disability/neurodiversity, Low-income, Immigrant/refugee, and Rural.

Using Grant Funds

The NPI Grant Program will provide funding for infrastructure improvements that are intended to positively impact an organization’s operational structure.

Grant funds may be used toward things like: strategic planning and organizational development; professional development for staff and board; data technology, data collection, and/or technology infrastructure; marketing and communication; existing program expansion, development or evaluation.

Grant funds cannot be used toward programming or capital improvements, including: real estate or land acquisition; building construction, renovation, or improvement; payment of debt; advocacy or lobbying; organizing; and endowments and reserves.

LCFC received over 400 applications from nonprofit organizations in our 12 county region since July 2023. The application window closed on August 31, 2023 and we have been reviewing applications and finalizing awards with DOLA. In total, the NPI Grant program awarded 433 applications from across the state, submitted through the eight Regional Access Partners.

The Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant was created after the Colorado House Bill 22-1356 was signed into law on June 3, 2022, to help underrepresented communities with limited access to state and federal funding and those impacted and disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. The emphasis on infrastructure and capacity building aims to help nonprofits with annual budgets between $150,000 and $2,000,000 build critical staff and boards, while providing funds to proactively invest in the organization’s makeup.

If you have any questions about the NPI program or other grant opportunities, please contact us.

Program Timeline

June 2022: CO HB 22-1356 Signed into Law, creating the Small Nonprofit Infrastructure (NPI) Grant Program

May 2023: NPI Grant Program Announced

July 5, 2023: NPI Grant Application Open

August 31, 2023: NPI Grant Application Deadline

January 2024: Award Notifications, Contracting, and Grantee Orientation Sessions

February 5, 2024: Award Distribution #1 (for executed contracts)

March 5, 2024: Award Distribution #2 (for newly executed contracts)

March 31, 2024: Final Date to Submit Contract Requirements through Portal

April 5, 2024: Award Distribution #3 (for final executed contracts)

April 10, 2024: Quarter 1 (January - March) Report Due to LCFC

July 10, 2024: Quarter 2 (April - June) Report Due to LCFC

October 10, 2024: Quarter 3 (July - September) Report Due to LCFC

January 10, 2025: Quarter 4 (October - December ) Report Due to LCFC

December 31, 2026: All NPI funds must be expended.

Technical Assistance

Register for your UEI Number on

When registering, select the option to Register for Unique Entity ID only. Here is a checklist of what to have ready when you apply: UEI Registration Checklist. Watch the video tutorial: Obtain a UEI

Learn more about our Partnership with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs

The Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) is collaborating with the Latino Community Foundation of Colorado and seven other organizations across the state to help select and administer the NPI Grant. Learn more about the NPI Grant Program and DOLA here: NPI Grant Program

163 Grants to Nonprofits in 12 Counties

The Latino Community Foundation of Colorado (LCFC), in collaboration with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) awarded over $13.1M to small nonprofit organizations located in 12 counties: Adams, Arapahoe, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Elbert, Grand, Jefferson, Lake, Park, Pitkin, and Summit.

All Regional Access Partners and Assigned Counties: